1. アメリカ食品医薬品局(FDA)の定義
- FDAは永久脱毛を「脱毛処置後に長期間(通常は1年以上)にわたって毛の再生が90%以上抑制されること」と定義しています。この定義では、一定期間(通常は1年間)の観察期間を設け、その間に毛の再生がほとんど見られない場合、永久脱毛が達成されたとみなされます。
2. 毛の生理学的サイクルに基づく定義
- 毛には「成長期」「退行期」「休止期」のサイクルがあり、永久脱毛ではこれらのサイクルに影響を与えることで毛の再生を抑制します。永久脱毛の効果は、成長期にある毛の毛根(毛包)にダメージを与えることで達成されます。このダメージにより、毛の再生能力が著しく低下し、時間の経過とともに再生する毛の量が大幅に減少します。
- 永久減毛
- 脱毛処置を受けた部位で、毛が再生する率が著しく減少すること。完全に毛がなくなるわけではなく、細くなったり、目立たない毛が少量再生することがあります。
- 長期的脱毛
- 脱毛後、毛が数年間にわたり再生しない状態。ただし、ホルモンの変化や加齢によって、数年後に再び毛が生えてくる可能性があります。
### 実際の結果に影響を与える要因
1. 脱毛効果ら持続期間
2. 使用する技術
3. 毛の成長サイクル
4. ホルモンの影響
21:47 LINE英語通訳 ◎ Medical definition of permanent hair loss
Permanent hair loss is generally defined as "a condition in which hair regeneration is not observed over a long period of time", but two specific definitions are often used.
1. Definition of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- The FDA defines permanent hair loss as "more than 90 percent of hair regeneration is suppressed over a long period of time (usually more than a year) after hair loss procedures." In this definition, permanent hair loss is considered to have been achieved if there is a period of observation (usually one year) and hair regeneration is rarely seen during that period.
2. definition based on the physiological cycle of hair
- Hair has "growth", "degenerative", and "hibernate" cycles, and permanent hair loss inhibits hair regeneration by affecting these cycles. The effect of permanent hair loss is achieved by damaging the hair roots (hair follicles) of growing hair. This damage significantly reduces hair regeneration and significantly reduces the amount of hair regeneration over time.
actual effects and limitations
The effects of permanent hair loss are often classified as follows.
- permanent hair loss
- To significantly reduce the rate of hair regeneration at a site subjected to hair removal treatment. Hair does not disappear completely, and a small amount of thinning or unnoticeable hair may regenerate.
- long-term hair loss
- Hair does not regenerate for several years after hair loss, although hormonal changes and aging may cause hair to grow again in a few years.
### factor affecting the actual outcome of
The following factors are involved in the results of permanent hair loss.
1. duration of hair loss effect
Depending on the skin quality, hair quality, and hormonal balance, the effect of hair loss and duration of hair loss varies from person to person.
2. technology used by
Different technologies such as laser hair removal, IPL (optical hair removal), and needle hair removal change the persistence of the effect.
3. hair growth cycle
Only hair that is growing can be removed at once. Therefore, multiple procedures are required.
4. hormonal effect
Especially in women, hormonal changes such as pregnancy and menopause can cause new hair to grow.
Based on these factors, it is important for the customer to understand that permanent hair loss does not completely stop hair regeneration, and that the effect lasts for a long time, but may require maintenance.
____________________________________ NAUZAナウザ脱毛サロン(旧ソライロメンズ脱毛) 【住所】 〒370-0069 群馬県高崎市飯塚町1711 ファイン飯玉201 ※Googleマップで「ソライロメンズ脱毛高崎店」で検索 【TEL】 080-7273-0521 ※お客様のご都合に合わせて施術します。 ※夜遅くまで営業しております。 【定休日】不定休 ____________________________________ #美肌#スキンケア#フォト#光フォトフェイシャル#光フェイシャル#ニキビ#ニキビ跡#ニキビケア#美白#シミ#シワ#ほうれい線#赤ら顔#小鼻黒ずみ#くすみ#色素沈着#脱毛#メンズ脱毛#メンズ脱毛サロン#美容男子#高崎脱毛サロン#メンズ脱毛個人サロン#ヒゲ脱毛#青ヒゲ#すね毛#高崎#群馬県#脱毛サロン#安い
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